Commission's Report - Volume 2
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PART 2: Proposals for reform
Note: This part of the report has been divided into sections for your convenience. *These documents are in PDF format. If you are unable to open the files you can download and install Acrobat Reader for free from the Adobe website
Download a PDF of Volume 2 - Part 2: Proposals for Reform, 2.8mb*
CHAPTER 18 - Major change is required (888k)*
New Zealand’s poor health and safety performance
Overseas health and safety regimes
The 1972 Robens committee
The Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 (HSE Act)
Recent government initiatives
CHAPTER 19 - Coal mining in New Zealand (859k)*
New Zealand coal fields
New Zealand coal mining industry
Australian coal mining industry
CHAPTER 20 - A failure to learn (854k)*
New Zealand coal mine tragedies
Overseas tragedies
Non-coal mining tragedies
The regulators
CHAPTER 21 - Collaboration between government agencies (832k)*
Law reform
The regulatory framework
Chapter 22 - The decline of the mining inspectorate (891k)*
The inspectorate under the Coal Mines Act 1979
The transition period from the early 1990s to 1998
The mining inspectorate from 1998
CHAPTER 23 - Management of the mining inspectorate (886k)*
Management and support
Lack of guidance information
Inadequate reviews of inspectors
Resourcing of the mining inspection function
Oversight of the mining inspection function
The Gunningham and Neal review
2006–09 mining policy review
Risk registers
CHAPTER 24 - Effectiveness of the health and safety regulator (955k)*
Changes to the Department of Labour since the Pike River tragedy
Leadership of health and safety
The functions and structure of the Department of Labour
Shared responsibility at governance level
High-level health and safety expertise
The Department of Labour’s 10-year strategy
Focusing on high-risk sectors
Accountability and review of the department
CHAPTER 25 - A new regulator (850k)*
Form of a new regulator
Compliance strategy
Recommendation 1
The regulatory framework
CHAPTER 26 - An effective regulatory framework (866k)*
The general regulatory framework
The adequacy of the general supporting framework
An inadequate framework for underground mining
The mining regulations
Safety cases
The penalty regime
An effective supporting regulatory framework for underground coal mining
Changes for the task force to consider urgently
Recommendation 2
CHAPTER 27 - Strengthening the Crown minerals regime (850k)*
Summary of law
Problems with permitting
Good mining practice
Recent developments
Recommendation 3
Recommendation 4
Industry and workers
CHAPTER 28 - Improving corporate governance (848k)*
The board of directors
Guidance available
Recommendation 5
Recommendation 6
Recommendation 7
CHAPTER 29 - Improving management leadership (838k)*
Leading improvements in health and safety performance
Strengthening the statutory mine manager’s role
Recommendation 8
Recommendation 9
Recommendation 10
CHAPTER 30 - Worker participation (847k)*
Regulatory framework
Problems with the framework
Union check inspectors – underground coal mines
Practical measures to support worker participation
Recommendation 11
CHAPTER 31 - Qualifications, training and competence (851k)*
Key issues
Recommendation 12
Emergency Management
CHAPTER 32 - Improving the emergency response (889k)*
Emergency response management – legal requirements
Serious failings at Pike River
The Australian approach
Police self-review
Multi-agency responses
Communication with families
Mines rescue in New Zealand
Recommendation 13
Recommendation 14
Recommendation 15
CHAPTER 33 - Improving emergency equipment and facilities (939k)*
The miners
The emergency responders
Recommendation 16
Appendix 1: Conduct of the inquiry (891k)*
Establishment of the commission
Participation, process and procedure
Phase One – Context
Phase Two – Search and Rescue
Phase Three – What happened at Pike River?
Phase Four – Policy aspects and submissions
Final submissions
A judical review
The final report
Appendix 2: The commission’s operations and structure (854k)*
Role of the public sector
Operating principles
Risk and financial management
Information management and technology and access to information
Appendix 3: Commissioners’ biographies (855k)*
Appendix 4: List of participants (835k)*
Appendix 5: Counsel representing (828k)*
Appendix 6: List of issues (as at 28 April 2011) (839k)*
Interpretation of the List
Phase One – Context
Phase Two – Search and rescue
Phase Three – What happened at Pike River?
Phase Four – Policy aspects
Appendix 7: Policy phase questions (827k)*
Mining regulation and recognised practices
The interaction between mining regulation and recognised practices and other (including conservation and environmental) legal requirements
The resourcing and administration of the regulators of mining law and practice